This article assumes you have already installed Ubuntu, whether it's as a virutal machine or as a stand-alone system, there are a few things that you need to install and setup to get your web development enviroment up and running. The following procedures are steps I've put together and tested with multiple Ubuntu setups both virtual and standalone.
Did you know you can close a GitHub issue with a commit message? I didn't know that either, until recently. It's turned out to be a pretty handy feature.
Below you will find my 'current' Gruntfile.js. It's still very much a work in progess, but I finally have it running smoothly and in a way that suits me.
Wow! Im am thuroughly impressed with Jekyll and how easy it is to put together. It's incredible! I come from a Wordpress background. I've been toying around with Wordpress for the last 6 or seven years and, like most people, was my go to CMS for putting together a website.